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Walking Together/Walking Apart

3rd Feb 2020 31st Jan 2021

How do we support each other and stay connected when we can't be together? Walking Together/Walking Apart explores the invaluable relationships which exist between and within support networks.

Project Details
  • Collectivity,
  • Care,
  • Place
Creative Team
  • Lead Artist: Claire Weetman
  • Collaborators: Members of Refugee Women Connect's St Helens group
  • Documentation: Radka Dolinska

Walking Together/Walking Apart has been produced by Claire Weetman collaborating with members of Refugee Women Connect, created just prior to and then during multiple lockdowns due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the project explores and celebrates how the women connect and support each other.

Due to the separation from each other the project has taken the form of a series of 'care packages' designed for and with the women's group. These boxes included items for self-care (for example nice teas and bubble bath), activities to do with children for mothers in the group and activities for the women to do themselves and to share in their WhatsApp group. Walking Together/Walking Apart explores four themes: 'time for you', 'who we are', 'create' and 'share knowledge'.

A final artwork package brought together elements from each of the care packages and 100 boxes were delivered to members of Refugee Women Connect and other women in the local community.

Walking Together/Walking Apart is a continuation of Claire Weetman's long-term collaborations with communities with experiences of migration.

A stack of yellow packages with pink string tied around and a label reading 'walking together, walking apart'.
A mirror with a white line drawing of two hands making a heart symbol.
A collection of images and postcards on a table.
Walking Together/Walking Apart was produced in partnership with Refugee Women Connect

Claire Weetman