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The Mic Drop: Season One

2nd Sep 2019 30th Jun 2020

The Mic Drop is a collaborative podcast with the sole purpose of creating a space ‘for migrants by migrants’ exercising agency and exchange through a shared space of collective thinking, storytelling and debate. It is created through a long-term collaboration between members of Many Hands One Heart and Larry Achiampong.

Project Details
  • Podcast,
  • Collectivity
Creative Team
  • Contributor: Ariane
  • Contributor: Kevin
  • Contributor: Manono
  • Contributor: Sam
  • Contributor: Bella
  • Contributor: Margarita
  • Contributor: Ali
  • Contributor: Jansie
  • Interviewer: Mohammed Taher
  • Interviewer and Project Assistant: Arthur Britney Joestar
  • Project Artist and Contributor: Larry Achiampong
  • Project Producer and Contributor: Emily Gee

We released Season One of The Mic Drop in June 2020 - you can catch up on every episode here, or via our Spotify and Anchor pages. Across the episodes Season One deals with a range of subject matter from personal experiences relating to seeking asylum whilst being LGBTQ+ through to critical conversations relating to the arts and culture.

Season One Episodes

Episode One: Adrian

We meet musician, performer, Pokémon master and Britney believer Adrian Mejia*, interviewed by Mohammed Taher.

*Please note that in this episode we refer to 'Adrian' throughout - since recording back in February 2020 Arthur Britney has been granted UK refugee status and has formally changed their name - you'll hear more from Arthur Britney in seasons two and three.

About Adrian

"I am a gay asylum seeker from El Salvador. I've been in Liverpool for over two years. I'm still in the process to get my refugee status, now waiting for an answer from the upper tribunal. Since I came here I started to be involved as an artist on different events with Many Hands One Heart ( an LGBT Asylum support group), Crisis Merseyside and Earth Moves on the Wirral, delivering performances and helping to create shows, also as a volunteer creating short videos for charities."

About Mohammed Taher

Mohammed Taher has been a Community Development Officer working with BAME communities for the last 10 years. He is currently employed by Mersey Care NHS Trust. Mohammad also known as Mo, has mainly been working with people seeking asylum and refugees in Liverpool to support their mental health.

Mo helped to start Many Hands One Heart (MHOH) in 2016 in partnership with Sahir House and Armistead. During the last 4 years he has worked with MHOH to organise several events for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia and has helped them to develop several projects such as The Mic Drop.


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season One, Episode One: Adrian

Episode Two: Ariane

This episode brings us all the feels, as we hear from nursing student and singer Ariane.

Listen to Ariane talk to Mohammed about life in Cameroon and finding love in Liverpool, navigating the asylum system and being the spice of Many Hands One Heart. Spoiler alert: Ariane shows off her vocal talents that once got her an audition on Britain's Got Talent (listen to the end).

Ariane also campaigns on behalf of These Walls Must Fall - check out their important work to end the UK's unacceptable detention practices.


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season One, Episode Two: Ariane

Episode Three: Kevin

Meet Kevin - one of the very first members of Many Hands One Heart, he has a passion for social work and a talent for making the world a brighter place.

In this episode, Kevin is interviewed by Mohammed Taher, who you should be familiar with by now!


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season One, Episode Three: Kevin

Episode Four: Manono

A conversation between Liverpool lover and activist Manono, and our favourite Pokémon master Adrian Mejia.

In this critical and honest conversation, Adrian chats to Manono about discovering your sexuality, how this intertwines with your beliefs and the impacts of the immigration system in the UK.


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season One, Episode Four: Manono

Episode Five: Sam

Mohammed Taher interviews Sam, who is famous across the UK as one of the friendliest humans you will ever meet and soon to be Liverpool's finest tour guide.

In this conversation they discuss Sam's journey from Malaysia to Liverpool via Cornwall, the importance of public support in the asylum process and studying for the future.


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season One, Episode Five: Sam

Episode Six: A Review of Theaster Gates' Amalgam

Here's something a little bit different: Bella, Margarita, Kevin and Mic Drop Lead Artist (who up until this point has been the other side of the microphone) Larry Achiampong discus Amalgam, the first major UK exhibition of American artist Theaster Gates.

This exhibition which took place at Tate Liverpool between 13 December 2019 – 3 May 2020. You can find out more information about the exhibition that The Mic Drop crew visited, and see images and videos, on the Tate website.


Transcript of Season One, Episode Six: A Review of Theaster Gates' Amalgam

Episode Seven: Ali

Photographer and filmmaker Ali Awais chats with the familiar voices of Mohammed Taher and Adrian Mejia about disability, sexuality and the dangers of social assumptions and pressures in this thoughtful episode.

About Ali:

"I am Ali Awais and I am from Pakistan. I have been living in Liverpool for last three years. I am a gay asylum seeker and still struggling for my refugee status. I have been part of Many Hands One Heart for the last two and half years. It has given me the chance to work with so many amazing people in the LGBTQ+ community and motivation to participate in different events in different roles. I have also worked with Movema dance company, Savera UK, Writing on the Wall and Liverpool LCR pride on different occasions."


Transcript of The Mic Drop Season One, Episode Seven: Ali

Episode Eight: Margarita

Margarita shares her experience of the asylum process in the UK, including Home Office interviews, accessing a solicitor and being sent to a detention centre in Scotland. Please note that this episode includes references to sexual violence and abuse.

An honest and important listen, please take time to hear Margarita, learn about the asylum system in the UK if you are not familiar with it and explore the work of organisations and initiatives like Right To Remain and These Walls Must Fall.


Transcript of The Mic Drop Season One, Episode Eight: Margarita

Episode Nine: Jansie

Jansie shares her experience of coming to the UK and navigating the asylum system. Please note that this episode includes references to sexual violence and abuse.

Providing an insight into the stress and strain of the asylum process, Jansie highlights the importance of groups such as Many Hands One Heart and the support they provide. Listen to learn about the asylum system in the UK if you are not familiar with it and explore the work of organisations and initiatives like Right To Remain and These Walls Must Fall.


Transcript of The Mic Drop Season One, Episode Nine: Jansie

Episode Ten: Queen & Slim review

Larry Achiampong is joined by Adrian, Sam and Emily to share their review of the film Queen & Slim. Warning: the episode contains major spoilers!


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season One, Episode Ten: Queen & Slim review

We've loved sharing this season of The Mic Drop with you and it'd be great to hear what you think. You can leave us feedback over on our Anchor page or send us a message here. You can now also subscribe to The Mic Drop over on Spotify, and while you're there you can listen to the incredible Queen & Slim OST.