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Screenings of The Suicide Chronicles, Chronicle Two: Stand Firm Compassion

28th Feb 1st Mar 2022

We invite you to a sharing of Chronicle Two: Stand Firm Compassion.

We are pleased to bring the work back to St Helens, the place from which it originated, and the town which is prepared to collectively take on the complex and devastating issue of suicide.

Event Details
Griffin Wood
  • Film screening,
  • Care
Access Information

Chronicle Two: Stand Firm Compassion will be screened in the woodland of Griffin Wood, part of the Bold Forest Park. There is a short 5 minute walk from the carpark to the screening site but the ground is uneven and may be muddy. We are limiting screenings to a maximum of 10 audience members per slot and further access details will be sent to you following booking a ticket - please take note of the time of the screening you select.

We have a small access budget to support with local transport costs, if you need support getting to Griffin Wood please let us know:

Chronicle Two: Stand Firm Compassion is approximately 25 minutes in duration and a short introduction will be given at the beginning of each screening.

If you have any access requirements, questions about Stand Firm Compassion or the screenings please do be in touch:

Creative Team
  • Collaborator: Cheryl
  • Collaborator: Daniel
  • Collaborator: Darren
  • Collaborator: David
  • Collaborator: Emma
  • Collaborator: Gayle
  • Collaborator: Heather
  • Collaborator: Kieran
  • Collaborator: Rob
  • Lead Artist: Mark Storor

Located in Griffin Wood on the edge of St Helens, these intimate twilight screenings explore a story of care told amongst the oak trees that are themselves carefully nurtured by The Mersey Forest team and the Friends of Griffin Wood community group – the guardians of this landscape.

The Suicide Chronicles seeks to develop a collective, creative language to share the infinitely complex and multi-layered experience of suicide.

Chronicle Two: Stand Firm Compassion is made at a time where in society we cannot hide from the devastating effect of the systematic deconstruction of the caring society and the decimation of the caring professions through chronic underfunding.

Created pre pandemic, Stand Firm Compassion is a meditation on what it is be a professional carer, a first responder working in this context. It brings into sharp relief the human cost not only to the people in their care, some of whom take their own lives, but over a period of time the effect it has on the workers themselves.

Post lockdown many of us are grieving. Our ability to continue to care is vital.

Access information

Chronicle Two: Stand Firm Compassion was screened in the woodland of Griffin Wood, part of the Bold Forest Park. There is a short 5 minute walk from the carpark to the screening site but the ground is uneven and may be muddy. We are limiting screenings to a maximum of 10 audience members per slot and further access details will be sent to you following booking a ticket - please take note of the time of the screening you select.

We have a small access budget to support with local transport costs, if you need support getting to Griffin Wood please let us know:

Chronicle Two: Stand Firm Compassion is approximately 25 minutes in duration and a short introduction will be given at the beginning of each screening.

If you have any access requirements, questions about Stand Firm Compassion or the screenings please do be in touch:

Please note: we will be screening the subtitled version of Stand Firm Compassion at Lucem House Community Cinema on 10th March 12:00pm and 1:00pm. For more information on these screenings visit


Samaritans: 116123 A safe place for you to talk anytime (24h, free).

Papyrus: 0800 068 41 41 Prevention of Young Suicide (free & confidential).

AMPARO: 0330 088 9255 Support for anyone affected by suspected or actual suicide.

Shout: text 85258 The UK’s first text support for anyone in crisis, anywhere, anytime.

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SoBS): 0300 111 5065 (9am-9pm Monday to Sunday)

Chronicle Two: Stand Firm Compassion (2020) is created by Mark Storor with Cheryl, Daniel, Darren, David, Emma, Gayle, Heather, Kieran and Rob

Film by Chris Keenan

Photography by Stephen King

Sound and Music by Brian Duffy

Prop design by Sascha Gilmour

Production support by Sophie Waldie

Filmed on location at Byrne Avenue Baths, Birkenhead with thanks to YMCA St Helens, Jane at Byrne Avenue Trust, and Wayne at Industrial Clothing St Helens, without whom the work could not be made. With special thanks to The Mersey Forest.

The Suicide Chronicles is commissioned and produced by Heart of Glass with support from Arts Council England.