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16 On Now


1st Apr 1st Aug 2019
Project Details
  • Collectivity

St Helens Council collaborate with children from St Helens to develop a child friendly town.

In 2017 we collaborated with artist Mark Storor and schools in St Helens to explore what role places play in young people's emotional health. One of the project’s outcomes was a declaration (written by Rainford High School pupil Ben, scroll down to read) and delivered to St Helens Council on the steps of the Town Hall (read more about the Army of Beauty parade here).

In response, the council wanted to collaborate with children from St Helens to develop a child friendly town. Heart of Glass worked with the Children's Services team on a creative consultation with young people from across our town. The aspiration is that it will be the first step in making St Helens a 'Child-friendly Borough'!

We asked children and young people to lead this journey and help us find out: ‘what does a child-friendly borough look like and feel like to live in?

The views of children and young people were collected on postcards as part of the #DearStHelens Project; their ideas and inspirations were recorded and posted back to us. To start our journey with meaning and integrity, we aimed to collect as many responses from schools and community organisations to make it truly representative of our Borough.

Getting involved

If you are a young person, you could give us your ideas by filling in the postcard you were given at school or by sending us your thoughts digitally using an online form.

Adult responding on behalf of a young person could respond using the online form.

Follow the journey #dearsthelens

Key terms and resources:

Child Friendly Town/City: Every child has the right to grow up in an environment where they feel safe and secure, have access to basic services and clean air and water, can play, learn and grow and where their voice is heard and matters.

Unicef Initiative:

This explains how larger cities are working towards making their spaces better for children:

Young Person's Declaration

I am the vivid and vibrant

image of those who look upon

I am also the presence of

craziness, swirling in a variety

of directions. In

advance to that I am a picture

of the past, remembering all

the things which made me

what I am today. I am the body

of my entire family, coming

together to make one unique

and independent person. I am

the fire speaking my mind and

sticking up for other people’s

rights. Also, I am the swirls of

democracy. I want to ensure

that everybody has a say in the

world and that you are free to

stand up for your rights and

lead a happy and stress-free life.

Finally, I am the jagged angles of

a blue triangle which make me

imperfect and human,

not like a robot.