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17 On Now

With the past in front of me I walk backwards into the future...

10th Jul 2015

By uncovering the stories of the women of St Helens, we remember the things we’ve forgotten.

Heart of Glass is delighted to be working with Producer Rachel Anderson on a new collaborative project which will begin development in 2015.

By uncovering the stories of the women of St Helens, we remember the things we’ve forgotten. All of us whether we knew our parents or not have 16,384 ancestors if we go back just fourteen generations. Some of these ancestors hold the key to the things we don’t understand in ourselves today.

Beginning in September 2015 all women, young and old are invited to join us in uncovering the forgotten stories of our community. We will start the journey with a series of genealogy workshops held across a number of St Helen’s libraries, and from there we will explore other ways to unearth the secrets and characters that formed the streets we live in.

Working and researching together over a year this project will culminate in a new theatre work in late 2016.

To express an interest in the project, please email
For more information about Rachel Anderson, please visit