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Get Out programme launch

13th Feb 2015

Heart of Glass is launching the Get Out programme for 2015 with opportunities for people from the borough to enjoy inspiring talks, exhibitions, performances and more.

The Get Out programme offers opportunities for Heart of Glass partners, volunteers the wider St Helens community to join us to explore some of the best arts offerings across the country.

The programme saw pilot events in 2014 and is rolling throughout 2015 with a host of events available to book now and more will follow as Heart of Glass look to offer some new artistic experiences both in and out of St Helens.

It’s hoped the selected events will be exciting and out of the ordinary with the aim of getting the attention of new audiences to join the Heart of Glass mission to bring great art to St Helens.

Kat Dempsey of The Heart of Glass, explained: “Get Out trips will be programmed around particular programme strands - such as Arts and Heritage to enable the Arts and Heritage panel to see examples of best practise and innovative approaches to arts in a heritage context to shape what they choose to commission for St Helens.”

“It might be taking the Disability Arts panel to meet Ruth Gould, the Artistic Director of Dada Fest to talk about programming with Disabled artists and audiences to stir up new thinking about the potential for the future of Disability Arts in St Helens. Or one of trips for anyone and everyone who are interested in doing something different arts experience.”

“We want the Get Out programme to support locals to take a chance on something different, love it or hate it will generate ideas sharing and debate about what the arts can offer and what we’d love to see as part of Heart of Glass, and have fun along the way.”

Heart of Glass funds tickets for all Get Out events, associated costs with the trip will be covered by Heart of Glass when possible and every effort is made to try and accommodate as many people as we can within our resources.