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Announcing our A Sense of Green events programme

15th Jun 2023
Short Read

A sensory journey through the peat bogs, fungi, trees and vegetable patches of St Helens and Knowsley!

We’re excited to announce a programme of art events, celebrating our community’s love and appreciation of local green spaces. We’ve invited nine artists whose work responds to the environment to work with communities across St Helens and Knowsley. Together they’ll develop a series of weekend art events (25th July - 14th October 2023) that invite us to listen, watch, create and reflect on the wild spaces right on our doorstep.

Join us for a sensory journey through the peat bogs of Colliers Moss, the fungi of Stanley Bank Wood, Halewood Triangle Park’s trees and the vegetable patches of Incredible Edible Knowsley!

Artists include:

Heart of Glass friend and regular collaborator Frances Disley (Following the Roots), Rich Felgate (Finite: The Climate of Change), Paul Harfleet (The Pansy Project, Birds Can Fly), collaborative art duo Juneau Projects, activist artist Jane Lawson, writer Bernadette McBride, Greenpeace associate artist Harun Morrison, and regular Heart of Glass contributor, social-ecological artist Kerry Morrison.

From a creative celebration of local bird species to foraging walks, poetry performances, family friendly nature workshops and lots more…

Sign up to our newsletter to follow the projects as they develop and find out more about how you can get involved in our FREE autumn programme.

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