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The School for Invisible Urbanists

1st Mar 15th May 2020

The School for Invisible Urbanists is a project exploring children's capacity to make change happen in the world.

Project Details
  • Place

This project takes the form of a secret society of young people from Broad Oak Primary School in St Helens who have worked together with artist Andy Field to consider the changes they'd like to see in the world around them, and what they can do to initiate that change.

They first met on Monday 2 March 2020 and began by looking at changes they could make in the school. Using strategies drawn from street art, live performance, tactical urbanism and participatory design, they began by thinking about change on a civic level but, in the light of the current pandemic, are now thinking much more locally about the homes they live in and what they can do to make them better in this moment of shared crisis.

A Young Person's Guide to Changing The World

The School for Invisible Urbanists began with Andy and this group of young people, but through the work in their own school, and later their homes, they have created A Young Person’s Guide to Changing The World. This is an invitation from this group of young people for you to join them, whatever your age, in thinking about making your world a better place.

All you have to do to join this secret society is complete the pack, which you can download below, take your certificate and continue to think about what changes you can make!


Watch the subtitled video below to find out more about The School for Invisible Urbanists and A Young Person's Guide to Changing The World.


Download A Young Person’s Guide to Changing The World (colour version)

Download and print the PDF of A Young Person’s Guide to Changing The World to get started!


Download A Young Person’s Guide to Changing The World (greyscale version)

Download and print the PDF of A Young Person’s Guide to Changing The World to get started!