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A Madlove Take Over: How can we do this better? by the vacuum cleaner

29th Nov 2019
Event Details
  • Conversation,
  • Care

Take Over organiser and mental health activist the vacuum cleaner (James Leadbitter) presents a chance for everyone affected by mental health in St Helens to be in the same room to consider ‘How Can We Do This Better?’ How can we work better together, to support each other, to improve mental health care?

The event is for people living and working in St Helens and surrounding areas, it is a free event but booking is required. Please reserve your free ticket here.

29 November

1pm – 4.30pm

The Madlove Take Over Space

The Madlove Take Over space is safe, welcoming and accessible. Please find more access information and a map of the venue below.

Part of Bethlem Galleries Mental Health and Justice programme, funded by Wellcome Trust.

Image credit: the vacuum cleaner


Access Information


Map of the Venue