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Michelle Wren - Research and Development

11th Feb 2015

Michelle will engage with people from across the different communities and boroughs of the town, looking at the industrial heritage, the impact of deindustrialization and its retail led regeneration.

Local artist Michelle Wren is developing a research project in the town to identify the true spirit of the town, challenging working class stereotypes and building a contemporary picture of the fabric of the town and its people in a post-industrial landscape.

Michelle will engage with people from across the different communities and boroughs of the town, looking at the industrial heritage, the impact of deindustrialization, its retail led regeneration and discover what creates a sense of community pride in the town in 2015. Michelle aims to turn this research into site specific works later in 2015.

Michelle is an artist from St Helens whose work focuses on creating a commentary through visual narratives about the current political or social climates of the area she is working within. She takes inspiration from the place and use the stories of its people to create work that inspires positive social change within a community.

For further information on Michelle, visit