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17 On Now

Sean Roy Parker is a writer, food researcher, permaculturalist and visual artist based at The Field, an experimental co-living project in Shipley, Derbyshire (UK) patiently anticipating the post-capitalist transition.

He practises slow, low-tech crafts and landwork using leftover consumer debris and natural abundances, redistributing resources through flexible care structures like labour exchange, favours and artswaps. In his ongoing project Fermental Health he writes essays about and leads workshops on the lifecycle of materials, complexities of interspecies responsibility, and problem-solving through chaotic degrowth.

His writing has been published in WeedsFeed by Sandra Kosorotova for Publics, Helsinki (Finland), Tender Order by Jade Monserrat for TOMA, Southend (UK), and Worry, Collect, Fold (translated by Max Weinland) for Kunstverein Luneburg (Germany). Roy has delivered public research projects on fermenting with microbes for Liverpool Biennial (UK), anarchist solidarity with peasant farmers at Pols (Valencia, Spain), and used old exhibition materials to build furniture at Kreenholm Plants (Narva, Estonia).