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Bhebhe&Davies (Nandi Bhebhe & Phoebe Davies) is the collaborative practice of British-born Southern African performer and choreographer Nandi Bhebhe and Welsh artist Phoebe Davies. Their work spans film, live performance, and sound, examining collaborative models of working across theatre and moving image, and often working with intergenerational groups of performers and non-performers alike. As an intersectional female duo, at the core of their collaboration is an interrogation of identity, exploring personal politics, power dynamics and using the body and voice to investigate visceral human experiences.

National and international highlights include working with Tate Modern (London), Wellcome Collection (London), Somerset House Studios (London), Aesthetica Film Festival (York), Marginalia Pictures (UK), Live Collisions Festival (Ireland), Praksis (Norway) and Portland Institute of Contemporary Art (USA). In 2021 they founded the B&D Education Programme which focuses on promoting POC creative professionals in higher educational settings.